Category: Commentary

Adventures with Mr. Wizard

I first met Mr. Wizard down at the pool hall. Seemed like a pretty normal guy. Too normal actually. So normal it was kind of weird. Anyways, we’re talking a bit after playing a match, when he said, “I know a lot about pool.” What a weird thing to say. Seriously, think about your favorite activity, let’s say motorcycles, or...

Mr. Wizard Part 8: Final Victory

So I’m down at the pool hall, when Mr. Wizard walks in. Hadn’t seen him in awhile, so was hopeful that he’d already left the country, but no such luck. Anyways, he walks up to me with a big grin and says, “Do you ever listen to Alex Jones?” Well that’s a weird way to start a conversation. And it...

Mr. Wizard Part 7: Versus Libertarians

When asked to explain my views in one word, I say that I am a libertarian. That’s what I told Mr. Wizard. And though it’s not precisely accurate, I couldn’t very well say I was a neo-reactionary-anarcho-traditionalist could I?  Hell, most people don’t even know what a libertarian is. The basic idea – according to the founder of libertarianism Murray...

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Delusion

After I retired I needed something to do. I thought it would be cool to travel around photographing all the amazing places on our planet. So I started making a list. The list grew quickly. It is still growing.  Of course it includes standards like the Grand Canyon or Great Pyramids, but then a place occurred to me that had...

Hockey’s Diversity “Problem”

The NHL has players from Finland, Sweden, Russia, Czechia, USA, Slovakia, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Norway, France, even 1 from Australia, and of course a shit-ton from Canada. But… that’s not enough “diversity” according to one Washington DC, think tank. Nope. Why not? I mean, that’s 15 different countries, languages, cultures, and ethnicities. So what’s the problem?  Oh you...

Impeachment for Dummies

Some thoughts on the House vote to impeach Trump. Please click to watch on YouTube and subscribe to my channel. I need 1000 subscribers before YouTube will take me seriously, thanks.

How to Beat Trump 2020

So you hate Trump? Okay. I get it. But how are you going to get rid of him? Hate to break it to you, but impeachment is not going to happen. That shit will be thrown out in the Senate before you can say, “2020 Election.” But don’t worry, there is a way to get rid of him, all you...

The Strange Death of John F. Kennedy Jr.

The official story of John F. Kennedy Junior’s demise is a pack of lies. Let’s start with the flight path as shown in the crash report. It shows the plane descending normally for a flight on final approach for landing, then correcting altitude to about 2500 feet. FAA rules require a pilot to radio the control tower before descending below...


David Attenborough is Full of (Walrus) Shit

A new Netflix episode of Our Planet shows heart-wrenching scenes of walruses plunging over sea-cliffs to their deaths. And according to the shows narrator, David Attenborough, it’s all your fault. Why?  Because shrinking sea ice caused by “climate change” forces walruses to take refuge on the shore. This explanation is however: bullshit. Or should I say walrus-shit? First of all,...

El Paso Shooting & WWIII

I’m seeing a lot of people surprised and confused by the recent mass shootings in El Paso and Gilroy.  They really shouldn’t be. What we are seeing are the opening battles of a new uncivil war. In the past, wars were fought between nation-states. But after victor and vanquished established, the fighting continued. Particularly in the case of occupation. For...

The True Story of Russian ‘Interference’ in the 2016 Election

Mr. Prigozhin sold hot dogs. It was the early 90s, the Soviet Union had just collapsed, and Prigozhin needed to make a buck. So he set up a hot dog stand in St. Petersburg. Soon, Prigozhin was able to open a restaurant, where he served cheap food for high prices, and attracted local celebrities and politicians. Prigozhin made good contacts....