
Highly Recommended

The Righteous Mind

I really can’t say enough good things about this book, it’s fantastic. An antidote to the insanity of today’s political […]

The Cave and the Light

Examines the age old dispute between Plato and Aristotle on the nature of “truth”, which continues to the present day. […]


A scathing critique of American Conservatives and the birth of the Alt-Right. Core idea is that ideology is a product […]

The Rational Optimist

If there’s one book that I wish I wrote, it’s this one. Despite the constant barrage of doom and disaster, […]

Recently Read

The Square and the Tower

I have a love/hate relationship with author Niall Ferguson, who is basically the official historian for the powers that be and the way that things are. That doesn’t make him wrong, and he is an excellent writer, but you could drive a truck through his blind-spots. Still, I did learn […]

The Madness of Crowds

“We are going through a great crowd derangement. In public and in private, both online and off, people are behaving in ways that are increasingly irrational, feverish, herd-like and simply unpleasant. The daily news cycle is filled with the consequences. Yet while we see the symptoms everywhere, we do not […]

Anarchy, State, and Utopia

Is it possible for a book to be TOO logical? Prior to reading this I would have said “no,” but now I’m not so sure. A lot of long boring X = Y + Z sort of statements, mixed in with deep thought about political philosophy and morality. Nozick makes […]

Human Smoke

I probably never would have read this book had it not been so highly recommended by various people I respect. This is NOT your usual history book. The writer makes very few comments. It is a collection, albeit a very select collection, of news stories with short time line narratives. […]


The Righteous Mind

I really can’t say enough good things about this book, it’s fantastic. An antidote to the insanity of today’s political […]

The Undoing Project

Follows the friendship of Behavioral Psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who redefined our understanding of the way the mind […]

12 Rules for Life

An enjoyable and useful read. Took some notes to remember the key points… 1. Stand Up Straight with your Shoulders […]

The Talent Code

Is it possible to learn ‘talent?’ What is talent anyways? A thought provoking book, though I have to admit my […]


Why do people believe things about the world that are wrong? Hans Rosling proposes ten reasons in this great little […]

Using Your Brain For a Change

Bandler was the inventor of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as a method for changing behavior and attitudes. He is also quite […]

The Enneagram Made Easy

Are we all the same? No. We are all different but in predictable patterns. One of the oldest (and best) […]

Unfu*k Yourself

A no-nonsense guide to getting off your ass and getting your life together.

David and Goliath

Why do people who are not supposed to win, win anyways? They change the rules.


Why is it that the people who succeed are often not the people you’d expect to? Gladwell looks into it […]


Alternatively making the point to “trust your gut,” and also “not trust your gut,” this book is a fun and […]

Understanding Comics

This is much more than a book about comics. Its about how the human mind constructs meaning from disconnected information.

Awaken the Giant Within

People like to make fun of Tony Robbins (me included) but this is a great book and I have re-read […]


Why people buy things and how to make them do it.

Politics & Philosophy

The Madness of Crowds

“We are going through a great crowd derangement. In public and in private, both online and off, people are behaving […]

The Fourth Turning

Apparently this book was a big influence on former Breitbart editor and Trump advisor Steve Bannon, so I thought I’d […]

The Virtue of Selfishness

There are very few books which have been maligned as much as this one. The title of this book can […]

The Antifa Handbook

Antifa are a bunch of idiots who think they are fighting ‘fascism.’ This book attempts to justify their actions with […]

The Devil’s Pleasure Palace

A critique of the Frankfort School philosophers and their influence on the modern Left. An influence that the typical Leftist […]

The Machiavellians

I never knew much about Machiavelli, except that he was a dick. But I didn’t really know that either, that […]

The Cave and the Light

Examines the age old dispute between Plato and Aristotle on the nature of “truth”, which continues to the present day. […]


A scathing critique of American Conservatives and the birth of the Alt-Right. Core idea is that ideology is a product […]

The New Right

A sort-of explanation of the New Right and some of its more prominent characters. It’s interesting, but the author spends […]

The Rational Optimist

If there’s one book that I wish I wrote, it’s this one. Despite the constant barrage of doom and disaster, […]

The Strange Death of Europe

Falling birth rates and rising immigration are changing the character of Europe into something else. Something not as good.

A Conflict of Visions

What is the core difference between liberal and conservative? A fundamentally different vision of human nature.

Dismantling America

The book that started my red-pill awakening. I picked it up by accident at a book store and it so […]

The Vision of the Anointed

Thomas Sowell should probably win a Nobel prize for identifying the core difference between thinkers on the Left and Right. […]

Tyranny of Cliches

Leftists love snappy slogans. But these slogans are nearly always bullshit and they almost never really mean what they say.

Liberal Fascism

The Fascists of the past were an inspiration to the American Left and they’ve adopted almost all of their policies […]

Where the Right Went Wrong

How the Republican Party was taken over by neoconservative lunatics hell bent on exporting American democracy whether anyone else wanted […]

Healing Our World

A kinder, gentler approach to Libertarian ideas from a woman’s perspective. A bit too fluffy-bunny for me, but probably a […]

The Silence

On politics and media manipulation, John Pilger usually has something worthwhile to say, on economic matters, he’s a moron.

Real Dissent

What if both ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ are wrong? What if there is a third or fourth or fifth option? This […]


I resisted picking up an Ann Coulter book for many many years. That was a mistake. She is both hilarious […]


The memoir of a political speech writer who worked his way up through Congress, the Senate, and eventually writing for […]

SJW’s Always Lie

Sort of a handbook for dealing with “Social Justice Warriors,” the over-sensitive and always offended creatures with blue hair that […]

The End of Faith

Harris makes a strong case that religion has outlived its usefulness and should be replaced by the use of pure […]

Universally Preferable Behavior

Can morality be “proved” without resorting to religion or authority? Stefan Molyneux gives it a pretty good try. The theory […]

The Age of Reason

Thomas Paine was the Sam Harris of his day, publishing what may be the first argument for atheism more than […]

Common Sense

The book that launched the American Revolution still makes a lot of sense today.


The Square and the Tower

I have a love/hate relationship with author Niall Ferguson, who is basically the official historian for the powers that be […]

Human Smoke

I probably never would have read this book had it not been so highly recommended by various people I respect. […]

Practical Idealism

Way back in 1925, this book proposed both the EU and mass immigration. The author Kalergi received help from the […]

The Balfour Declaration

The origins of the Middle-East conflict in a nut-shell. Meddling Europeans and scheming Zionists get together to ensure mayhem for […]

Blacklisted By History

What if Joseph McCarthy was right all along? What if the US government had been infiltrated by communists and communist […]

The Service

The memoirs of Reinhard Gehlen, who was the general in charge of German Intelligence on the Russian Front during World […]


Why did a few small polities in Europe come to dominate the rest of the world? Ferguson attributes this to the […]

Inventing Freedom

Did you ever notice that has been the English speaking people who have defined and defended freedom around the world? […]

The Roosevelt Myth

FDR is often listed as one of America’s best Presidents, but this book makes him out as one of the […]

Conquests and Cultures

The various peoples of the world have their own cultures, when they conquer someone else, they bring their culture with […]

The Death of the West

A book that is growing more prophetic every day. Buchanan was very early to point out that falling birth rates […]

Guns, Germs & Steel

Makes the environmental case for why Europe progressed so rapidly compared to the rest of the world in recent centuries.


A very impressive history of how the quest to build bigger and better battleships led to the beginning of WW1. […]

Breaking Stalin’s Nose

A child in the Soviet Union accidentally breaks the nose off a Stalin statue and does whatever he can to […]

Tiger Tracks

What was it like to be a German tank driver on the Russian front during WWII? Un-freaking-believable. A great book […]

The Creature from Jekyl Island

How bankers created the Federal Reserve Bank for the benefit of bankers, not you. This book predicted the 2008 financial […]

The Money Men

A fascinating story of the men who sought to define and control money in American history. I have it on […]

Rule by Secrecy

Traces the connection between ancient secret societies and today. The connection is definitely there, whether or not anyone actually takes […]

Suicide of the West

Almost the same title as Death of the West, but a completely different premise. The authors of each book don’t […]

Hitler’s War

Told from original source materials including the diaries and meeting notes from first person accounts. A fascinating glimpse of “real” […]

Rise of the Fourth Reich

After WWII a bunch of Nazis moved to America under Operation Paperclip. This is supposedly a big deal, but not […]

Economics & Money

The Creature from Jekyl Island

How bankers created the Federal Reserve Bank for the benefit of bankers, not you. This book predicted the 2008 financial […]

Economics in One Lesson

This book comes highly recommended by many people, as a textbook maybe, but there are better reads on the subject […]

End This Depression Now!

Paul Krugman is one of the most dangerous men alive. Why? Because he is both a brilliant writer – and […]


Using economic principles to investigate cultural phenomenon can lead to curious results.

The Money Men

A fascinating story of the men who sought to define and control money in American history. I have it on […]

The Big Short

The story of the misfits who saw the 2008 financial crisis coming and set out to profit from it. Amazing […]

Liar’s Poker

Lewis is a great writer, and his experiences as a new Wall Street trader are both educational and entertaining.

The 4-Hour Work Week

A new way of earning a living emerged with the advent of the Internet, this guy figured it out. You […]

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Although I can’t say that I followed Kiyosaki’s advice to the letter, this book was both an inspiration and an […]

The Ascent of Money

An entertaining romp through the origins of many basic money functions such as lending, insurance, interest rates and so on. […]

Free to Choose

Pretty good book, but the TV mini-series is fantastic for an overview of how economic freedom is the most effective […]


Dispels so many popular notions about big government like they are lint. Woods is a great writer and this is […]

Science & Health

A Troublesome Inheritance

This is a book about human genetics, but really more about human history. It’s technical enough to make it interesting, […]

The 10,000 Year Explosion

Theory of the book is that the agricultural revolution not only changed mankind’s behavior, but also our genetics. Equal parts […]

Enter the Zone

This book saved my life. In the mid-90s my health was going downhill fast, and no number of doctors could […]

A World Without Cancer

Has a natural cure for cancer already been found? Although this book and its finding have been widely renounced in […]

Inventing the AIDS Virus

When a government official got on TV in the late 80’s to announce the discovery of “the probable cause of […]

The Emperor’s New Drugs

What if psychiatric drugs like Prozac and Zoloft were no more effective than a lump of sugar? What if there […]

Seeds of Deception

Catalogs numerous deceptions and dangers of genetically modified foods and how the agencies that are supposedly to protect the consumer […]

The Deep Hot Biosphere

Makes a case that oil is not a ‘fossil-fuel,’ that is composed of decayed organic material, but rather it is […]

Origin of Species

A long time ago I got in an argument with my girlfriend over evolution. During that argument I said something […]

Red Hot Lies

How global warming alarmists use threats, fraud, and deception to keep you misinformed.

The Bell Curve

This book started a shit-storm when it came out. The controversy came from one chapter which revealed evidence that the […]

Fiction, Biography, and More…

Starship Troopers

Part sci-fi, part political philosophy, it’s a thought provoking book. An excerpt below: The Terror had not been just in […]

Folsom Untold

The true story of Johnny Cash’s greatest album is a sad one.


The funniest book I’ve ever read, or at least listened to since I had it on audio. It’s the story […]

American Victory

Just picked this by random in the bookstore, ended up reading the whole thing on the spot. Inspiring story of […]

Steve Jobs

According to almost everyone I know who ever met the guy, Steve Jobs was a jerk. But he was a […]

Bobby Fischer Goes to War

An exceptionally well written book chronicling the rise of Bobby Fischer and his battle with the Russian chess monolith.

Thomas Paine

Paine was intellectually gifted but socially retarded, so he’s sort of become a role model for me. lol.

Blood in the Cage

The early days of MMA as told from the perspective of Pat Miletich. The best of the bunch on this […]

The Godfather

It’s unusual to find a book and movie that remain true to each other, but in this case they do, […]


Amazingly engaging for such a thick book. Clavell was a great writer. The TV mini-series also amazing.


Follows some arrogant Brits as they attempt to get to the Alaska gold fields without setting foot in America. Also […]

The Real Frank Zappa Book

Zappa is hilarious and a source of wisdom, but perhaps more importantly he wants you to know that he never […]


Just an amazing integration of history and fiction, covering a span of hundreds of years but always on point and […]

House of Sand and Fog

When I read this book I thought, “this would make a great movie.” I was wrong. The movie was horrible. […]

Skin Tight

I’ve read a number of Hiaason novels, all entertaining and hilarious, but this one probably best, followed closely by Strip […]

Elmore Leonard

I’ve read almost everything Elmore Leonard has written, but I would suggest these as his very best: Gold Coast, Valdez […]

Ender’s Game

One of the best written Sci-Fi novels ever. They tried to make it into a movie, but forgot about that. […]

The Fountainhead

Ayn Rand was super-trendy in the early 90s in Silicon Valley, so I picked up her first novel to see […]